Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I wonder whether there comes a time in eveyone's life when their very self is questioned. The values one cherish and proud with are considered non existent and attributed with qualities one detest with. Leaving in a state of shock and disbelief going through countless cycles of introspection leading to nothing but more despair and pain. The pain that could not be thrown off with a careless shrug or a gay
laughter not because you are someone who is delicate but because the remark is from someone whom you trust and respect. Going through it inst easy because its like yelling at a proud mom holding her precious baby close to her heart " Hey there! Throw away that dirty mess".

All it needs is a little exploration and belief in self and of course a strong heart to realize you and that someone are seeing through different windows. Someone's window is seeing your treasure as a filthy mess to be thrown away.Empathize the view but dont endorse it just because its from someone you respect. Remember the windows are different. And dont even think of taking the someone's window no matter how special he is because its not just the view you see from window but its your dream and you see through the window.

Be prepared to face your own stupidity and moments where you wonder how you could be so dumb and wrong. Even though an undesirable experience that needs to be purposefully forgotten it leaves you with a valuable lesson for life, "None is too special to instruct you what to feel". At times even your own rationality isnt that special as what is rationality nothing but connecting the ever changing premises which we often assume to be stationary.

Just accept your stupidity and go through this hell with the prayer for this pain to die away quickly as in the end all that matters is correcting the misplaced regards.

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